< Practice Areas
Accidents happen, we can help

Automobile Accidents ▪ Wrongful Death ▪ Slip and Falls ▪ Medical Malpractice ▪ Work Injuries ▪ Worker’s Compensation Claims ▪ Defective Products ▪ Structured Settlements
Sullivan Hincks & Conway can represent you in a wide variety of personal injury claims including: automobile accidents; wrongful death; slip and falls; medical malpractice; work injury and worker’s compensation; and defective products. We work with you to understand the physical or psychological damage and yield you the maximum amount of compensation. We can help you understand the financial implications of your settlement and offer tax and financial planning advice.
Representative Cases
- Automobile Accidents: Client struck turning left on green by uninsured motorist, resulting in complex leg fractures and disfigurement. Secured $350,000 uninsured motorist claim recovery.
- Slip and Falls: Client slipped and fell on ice, breaking ankle, after exiting car to reopen rearview mirror at gas station self-service wash facility.
- Work Related Injuries: Client, gas delivery driver, struck by car in gas station parking lot.